The AOM 2022 session on “Digital Health in China”

2022-11-22 16:11

图1.pngThe AOM 2022 session on “Digital Health in China”

图2.pngThis AOM session focused on “digital health in China”. It began by Professor Matti Rossi from Aalto University, Finland. Professor Matti was the previous president of the Association for Information Systems – the leading research organization in IS and digital transformation. He talked about the situations of digital health in Finland and the related organizational issues.


A professor from Technological University of Munich, Germany, said that digital health should be inspired by the drastic efficiency gains observed in digital manufacturing. Indeed, many activities in hospitals are more administrative than clinical. For instance, supply chain is the same in health or manufacturing, and therefore might be improved the similar way.


UCMT students then introduced the cases of their companies and intuitions in China.


UCMT student LI Li (University of Montpellier DHM) introduced the case of Qingdao United Family Hospital where she conducted the tele-medicine project.


The lessons gained in this hospital includes lots of management tools and theories that resonated with manufacturing, as suggested by one professor from South Korea who teaches in U.S..


Another professor from Canada raised many questions about the management tools and management methods used in this hospital.


UCMT student, Joyan Hayashi (University of Montpellier DHM) presented the case study of Midea Group in China. The main business problem is about cross-department communication and quality.


The third professor from France was surprised to see that management tools, methods and theories were so similar between a hospital and a factory. This was a confirmation of the value of management science and, beyond, of knowledge sharing across industries. She thanked to professional doctorate programs such as DBA and DHM.


Two presentations of UCMT students (from University of Montpellier DHM and Ecole des respectively) mentioned that DBA provided opportunities of discussions between them and the professors from USA, Canada and France.