The Pre-AOM Conference on “AI and Digital Transformation”

2022-11-22 15:27


The Pre-AOM Conference on “AI and Digital Transformation”


This pre-AOM on “AI and digital transformation” was the 4th edition. The   previous ones were held prior to AOM 2021 Philadelphia, AOM 2020 Vancouver and AOM 2019 Boston at Harvard University.


The keynote speaker, professor Andrew Burton-Jones, editor-in-chief of Management   Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), a top A-journal. Andrew was previously the keynote during the pre-AOM in 2021. Before him, the previous editor-in-chief of MISQ, professor Arun Rai, was the keynote in 2020 along with professor Alok Gupta, editor-in-chief of the journal Information Systems Research.


Professor Burton-Jones identifying research issues related to digital transformation of healthcare…. A source of inspiration for DHM students who may consider to submit a paper to MISQ during their dissertation   process at UCMT.


Professor Burton-Jones also provided precious references for UCMT DHM students.


Professor Burton-Jones argued that many of digital technologies failed in healthcare.Please note the careful attention of 2 UCMT DHM students.


A UCMT student from DHM University of Montpellier, Oliver (YE Xin),   asking questions to the editor in chief of MISQ related to the consequences for practice in her hospital.


Professor Manju Ahuja,University of Louisville and senior editor at Information Systems Research (ISR) introducing the United Nation “sustainable development goals”. She claims that AI and digital technologies should contribute to these goals.


Professor Marc Bonnet, University of Lyon 3 and former division chair at the Academy of Management discussing the importance of conducting a “socio-economic approach to management” (SEAM) before implementing artificial intelligence in companies and organizations.


A UCMT DHM University of Montpellier student,Mabel (XU Hua) introducing the challenges of digital transformation in healthcare institutions.


The editor in chief of MISQ asking to Mabel (XU hua) questions about the different management tools, management methods and management theories used in her case.


A UCMT DHM University of Montpellier student, Oliver (YE Xin) describing the digital transformation in her hospital: the Shanghai Children’s Hospital where she is responsible for international affairs.


Another UCMT DHM University of Montpellier student, LI Li describing the results and lessons learned from the digital transformation in her hospital in Qingdao: the United Family Hospital where she launched tele-medicine.


Professor Burton-Jones asked numerous questions to the three UCMT DHM University of Montpellier students, including here, Oliver (YE Xin) and LI Li.


Prior to the healthcare industry, UCMT Ecole des Ponts DBA students introduced cases of digital transformation in manufacturing.Here, Naja (ZHANG Yue) describing the case of a state-owned enterprise.


It is a great experience to interact with international scholars on top academic platforms @ AOM by Naja ZHANG/UCMT/ENPC/DBA.


Another UCMT Ecole des Ponts DBA students, Fymmi (ZHANG   Yanfei) describing the case of HIK Vision, a high-tech company   in China.


DT in Manufacturing is so cool, professor said @ AOM by Fymmi/UCMT/ENPC/DBA.


After a third presentation of an UCMT Ecole des Ponts DBA students, Tony (HUANG Jianming),Professor Marc Bonnet asked questions both to Fymmi and Tony about   their opinion related to the relevance of hidden costs and dysfunctions for   increasing the success of digital transformation.


Even if this conference was in America, the ending we ended   by taking pictures, just like in   China.